Social Marketing; A Behavioural Change Rebel turning 50

On February 19, the Whitaker Institute was delighted to host Social Marketing; A Behavioural Change Rebel turning 50. Most of us recognise that everyday life today is not the same as it was a few months ago let alone a few years ago what with climate change, the pandemic, social inequalities, digital technologies, global markets and so much more.  It is a world shaped increasingly by collective as well as individual choice, and by systems, social and behaviour change all rolled into one. In this emerging complex world social marketing is a leading behavioural science already into a future of radical transformation. To meet the demands of our time, we must incorporate an “and” approach – citizens and stakeholders, citizens and society, citizens and systems, citizens and the planet into our way of doing and being.

Social marketing’s call to action is to get on board now, be the Change Catalyst in your life, your family and your community to open the door to a new sustainable world for all.


Agents of change or agents of the system: Are we really who we think we are?
by Professor Maria Raciti

Creating collective solutions:  Applications of systems social marketing 
by Professor Sharyn Rundle-Thiele

Hosted by Dr Christine Domegan

The event is available to watch back below.

Join us and our guest speakers on the 50th anniversary of Kotler and Zaltman’s (1971) famous Social Marketing paper as we hear about the latest developments in Social Marketing. Using behavioural and systems science, research evidence, practical insights, case studies and examples, this series of social marketing seminars with global experts explores the complex links between our environment, our health and wellbeing and our future. Upcoming dates in the series 30 April. To watch the event from 26 March back, click here.

Speaker Bios

Professor Maria Raciti is a social marketer who is passionate about educational equity.  Maria is a Director of the Indigenous and Transcultural Research Centre, an Adjunct Fellow with the National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education and was part of an Australian Government departmental taskforce assisting with the 2019 National Regional, Rural and Remote Tertiary Education Strategy. Maria is regularly engaged as an expert advisor, and her research projects have produced meaningful and impactful outcomes.



 Professor Sharyn Rundle-Thiele is a social marketer. She Founded Social Marketing @ Griffith, which is the largest university based group of social marketers in the world.  Sharyn has led projects that have changed behaviours for 10,000’s of people in areas including health, the environment and for complex social issues. Sharyn has led programs that have increased healthy eating, changed adolescent attitudes to alcohol drinking, reduced food waste, increased dog’s abilities to avoid koalas, and many more.   All of the programs are underpinned by co-design.