Policy Briefs

The Financial Performance of Irish Local Government

Local councils in Ireland experienced the same boom and bust conditions that the national government and the general economy witnessed since 2007/8. Whereas the public finances of central government have been subject to much research and debate, the same level of scrutiny was not applied to subnational government and local public finances. Yet, local government… | Read on »

Bio-Economy Input-Output Model – Estimating the Indirect Value of Ireland’s Ocean Economy

Bio-Economy Input-Output Model The Bio-Economy is an important domestic sector for Ireland. It focuses on the economic activity attributable to the utilisation of our land and sea resources. Activity in the Bio-Economy is physically tied to domestic natural resources and consequently relies on a greater proportion of domestically sourced inputs in contrast with more mobile… | Read on »

Prescription contraception: determinants of uptake and adherence in the Republic of Ireland

Prescription contraception Prescription contraceptives e.g. oral contraceptives and long acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs) such as intrauterine devices and contraceptive implants, are the most effective methods of contraception. LARCs are the most effective and cost- effective method of prescription contraception, however there are significant financial barriers in the Republic of Ireland compared with other jurisdictions. Prescription… | Read on »