Participation for Protection’ (P4P) is a project funded by the European Commission aimed at enhancing child-centred approaches to victims of violence, and raising children’s understanding of reporting mechanisms and support structures. It is led by the Centre for Children’s Rights at Queen’s University Belfast and involves partners from Austria (Ludwig Boltzmann Institut Fur Menschenrechte Forschungsverein); Belgium (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and Kenniscentrum Kinderrechten); Germany (Hochschule Rheinmain), the Republic of Ireland (NUI Galway); Romania (Universitatea Babes Bolyai) and the UK (QUB, Include Youth, University of Nottingham). It adopts a child-rights based approach to developing training and resources for children and young people, and those working with and for them.
Two children and young people’s advisory groups based in Belfast (St Ita’s Primary School and Include Youth’s Give and Take Programme) are informing key aspects of the project. This includes: the design of consultation tools for use with children across the partner countries; the information to be provided to children; training resources for professionals; a multi-media resource for children and young people. Over two years the project will consult with over 1000 children and young people across the partner countries on the theme, what makes good support and service responses? This includes school children, and specific groups at risk of, or experiencing violence, including: children in care, children in detention/ in conflict with the law, Roma children, children living in high conflict communities, child migrants and refugees, and child victims of domestic violence. The overall aim is to enhance rights-based supports, services and treatment for child victims, and for those who work with children to better understand their needs.
Funded by
Project Partners
Queen’s University, Belfast; Ludwig Boltzmann Institut Fur Menschenrechte Forschungsverein; Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and Kenniscentrum Kinderrechten; Hochschule Rheinmain; NUI Galway; Universitatea Babes Bolyai; Include Youth; University of Nottingham