
Local Authority Finances 2022 Edition

The Whitaker Institute at NUI Galway has launched the 2022 edition of the local authority finances website. Compiled by Dr. Gerard Turley and Stephen McNena, the 2022 local authority budgeted income and expenditure data are available on the online platform According to the authors, “A goal of any university is to contribute to place… | Read on »

RTÉ Brainstorm – Should Ireland join NATO?

Whitaker Institute member Prof Ray Murphy, of the Conflict, Humanitarianism and Security Cluster, has written a new piece for RTÉ Brainstorm. The article considers whether Ireland should join NATO. Should Ireland join NATO? Analysis: it is unlikely that the majority of the Irish population would support Ireland joining NATO According to its official website, NATO ‘promotes… | Read on »

Watch – The critical relationship between archives and Transitional Justice: Lessons learned from Chile

On 9 March, the Whitaker Institute was delighted to host The critical relationship between archives and Transitional Justice: Lessons learned from Chile by Dr Anita Ferrara. The talk, through the case study of Chile, discussed the critical relationship between Archives, Human Rights and Transitional Justice. In post-Pinochet Chile, Human Rights Archives have proven crucial in… | Read on »

IPCC – Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability

Tom McDermott, SEMRU

The latest IPCC report, released on 28 February, outlines the risks posed by a changing climate for people, economies and ecosystems around the world. The report cites research by Whitaker Institute member Dr Tom McDermott on the economics of climate change and development. A changing climate is creating new risks and challenges the world over… | Read on »

RTÉ Brainstorm – Can international laws protect civilians in Ukraine?

Whitaker Institute member Prof Ray Murphy, of the Conflict, Humanitarianism and Security cluster, has written a new piece for RTÉ Brainstorm. The article looks at if international law can protect civilians in Ukraine. Can international laws protect civilians in Ukraine? Analysis: There are many international law implications from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, especially those laws… | Read on »

RTÉ Brainstorm – Why are legal costs in Ireland so high?

Whitaker Institute member Dr Rónán Kennedy, cluster  leader of Technology and Governance, has written a new article for RTÉ Brainstorm. The piece looks at why legal costs in Ireland are so high. Why are legal costs in Ireland so high? Analysis: lack of competition, cumbersome procedures and a reluctance to change combine to keep costs… | Read on »

Judicial Training

A new report by the Irish Council for Civil Liberties, co-authored by Whitaker Institute member Dr Rónán Kennedy, argues that the State does not provide enough resources for the education and training courses that are needed for judges to keep up with changes in the law, in Irish society, or best practice internationally. Read more… | Read on »