Launch of Moycullen 2030 Report

Whitaker Institute member & Creative, Liveable and Sustainable Communities cluster leader, Dr Patrick Collins has authored a new report following the completion of the Moycullen 2030 Village Plan project, funded by the Irish Research Council.

The village of Moycullen is set for change with a number of key infrastructural investments are due. A bypass of the village is set to commence in 2020, a new primary school will be built by 2022 and a dedicated cycleway in the form of the Connemara Greenway is due for completion in the same year. In all, 300 housing units have been granted permission within the village boundaries, and longer term infrastructural investments such as the planned ring road around Galway city will also have very real effects of the village. Conservative estimates would place these changes as at least doubling the population of the village by 2030.

Principal Investigator Dr Patrick Collins, said: “With funding from the Irish Research Council we were keen to test our methodology for people powered planning. Today’s publication is essentially the culmination of the wishes of a community, a document that was collectively authored by the people of a place.”

The project acted as an effort to plan from the bottom up rather than the top down. It also sought to identify a sustainable future for a village in the context of a rapidly urbanising Ireland. Read the full press release here.

Download the report here.

Read Dr Collins policy brief relating the the project here.

Read more about the project here.