Using digital technologies to manage high blood pressure within the Irish health system

High blood pressure (hypertension) is a chronic condition in which the blood vessels have persistently raised pressure. It is one of the leading risk factors for heart attack and stroke and is one of the most common chronic conditions seen today. According to the TILDA study, approximately 65% of Irish adults over the age of 50 have high blood pressure. High blood pressure can be managed through medication, diet and exercise.

Digital technologies to support the self-management of chronic conditions have become more common in recent years. These include systems such as online portals where patients can seek advice from healthcare professional, self-monitoring of a health parameter (often with personalised feedback), access to online social supports groups, educational messages and videos, and activity monitoring. In the case of high blood pressure, most digital technologies for self-management include two main components: a reminder system for medication and home blood pressure monitoring.


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