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Climate Change Adaptation through Voicing: An Explanation of the Immobility Paradox
July 31, 2019 @ 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Speaker(s): Ilan Noy
Affiliation: Victoria University Wellington
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Ilan is professor of the Economics of Disasters (https://www.victoria.ac.nz/sef/about/staff/ilan-noy ) and also founding Editor-in-Chief of the Springer journal Economics of Disasters and Climate Change. Aside from the Economics of Disasters, he also has research interests related to Capital flows/FDI and financial crises. His personal website has more details on his research: https://sites.google.com/view/ilannoy/home
If anyone would like to meet with Ilan to discuss research, there will be some limited availability on Wednesday the 31st. Please email me (thomas[dot]mcdermott[at]nuigalway[dot]ie) and I can arrange meetings on a first come first served basis.
Climate Change Adaptation through Voicing: An Explanation of the Immobility Paradox
Michel Beinea, Ilan Noyb, and Christopher Parsonsc
aCREA, University of Luxemburg. Email: michel.beine@uni.lu bVictoria University of Wellington. Email: ilan.noy@vuw.ac.nz cUniversity of Western Australia. Email: christopher.parsons@uwa.edu.au
July 16, 2019
This paper sheds light on the apparent paradox wherein populations faced with adverse climatic shocks do not migrate as much as expected. Drawing on Hirschman’s treatise on Exit, Voice and Loyalty, we show that there is a theoretical case for a substitution effect between voicing and mobility. Relying on cross-country data, we provide plausibly causal evidence of voicing as a new means used by countries to adapt to climate change. More intense voicing, as captured by greater numbers of press reports, is associated with lower emigration rates. This substitution effect holds both for internal and international voicing and is robust to instrumental variable estimation accounting for concerns of endogeneity. Our results suggest that restrictions on mobility could result in increasing voicing, both within and to other countries.
Keywords: Emigration, Climate Change, Voicing, Trapped Populations
JEL codes: F22, O15, P16, 057